A Time for Evaluation

Things have come to a grinding slow pace with projects & travels halted. The practice of social distancing took a toll on the number of places I can visit to shoot. A friend of mine said that we should always try to approach a bad situation positively. This is the time to review and plan […]

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Me & Botanical Portraits

My journey in botanical photography is coming to a decade, and there were many ups and downs. I enjoy finding strange and amazing plants to capture their beauty in my interpretation. I met a lot of amazing people who were willing to share their knowledge and show me plants that few in this world would […]

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Challenge Accepted (Part One)

To excel in Photography is to Work within Constraints and Think Out of Box. This blog talks about how the writer was challenged to create botanical portraiture without his professional equipment.  Part one talks about him using a point and shoot camera.  Back in Jan 2013, my wife and I were watching DigitalRev TV Cheap Camera Challenge on Youtube. […]

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Creating the Midnight Show

This blog talks about the conceptualization & visualization to which this botanical portraiture was taken.  How the writer started preparing the plant for this shot and the equipment used.   Epiphyllum pumilum is a cactus species native to Mexico and Guatemala. This species is commonly grown as an ornamental plant for its beautiful and fragrant flowers. In […]

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