Announcement: Facebook, WordPress & Insta @ThrutheFrame

In order to streamline my botanical portraits and social uploads in all things related to the world of flora, I have created a new Facebook page called Botanical Portraiture Story. On that page, you will get to view some of my latest works and insights to how I capture my images. I will do at least one posting weekly. Do like and follow the page to be kept updated of my posting. I hope you will enjoy my uploads and accompany me on my Botanical Portraiture Story .

On the other hand, ThrutheFrame WordPress blog will be the medium that I use to write about whats in my mind, showcase wildlife, safaris and equipment reviews. The reason is because a blog is a better platform for more in-depth article and a longer story.

Lastly, my instagram account, @ThrutheFrame will have a mixture of flora, fauna, gears, adventures, etc. Do follow me there too.

I hope you (my readers) will continue to support me in the coming years. Thank you.


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